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Infinity Tower

How Does it Works?

You must have Infinity Tower special amulets in order to be able to join Infinity Tower Game. You can purchase ImageHero's Amulet of Fire from alchemist in NosVille, or later on craft ImageLife Amulet andImageAttack Amulet from Infinity Rewards 2 NPC. Any of these would let you join to the tower.

Infinity Tower Modes

You have different modes to choose. Solo Mode, 3 Player Mode, 5 Player Mode and Hardcore Mode. Each of the modes have its own place on the Infinity Tower Ranking.

  • Solo Mode : Start Infinity Battle alone. You will face with strong monsters that have plenty of debuffs.

  • 3 Player Mode : Start Infinity Battle with your friends. You will face with strong monsters whose has plenty of debuffs. You need to be in lobby and invite your friends by talking to NPC in lobby. Pop-up will appear where you can write their nick and they will receive invitation.

  • 5 Player Mode : Start Infinity Battle with your friends. You will face with strong monsters whose has plenty of debuffs. You need to be in lobby and invite your friends by talking to NPC in lobby. Pop-up will appear where you can write their nick and they will receive invitation.

  • Hardcore Mode : Start Infinity Battle alone. You will face with strong monsters that have plenty of debuffs. You can't invite your friends to Hardcore Mode. This mode is harder than other modes, you also got no checkpoint here. If you die, you start from floor 1.

You can go through infinite amount of floors, which means there's no end to them, you can grind as much as you want and show who's stronger. You also can't use potions in the Tower, however you're able to use Image Red Velvet Cake (HP), Image Blue Berry Cake (Mana), ImageFresh Cream Cake and ImageHot Lamb Skewer snacks.

Celestial Spire

You can't use pet and partners in Infinity Tower. But don't worry, you'll have some other help. You can put following pets into Celestial Spire Window.

Place your pets like on the screenshot.

And then double click on the number of squad you placed. (for example, if you added your pets into First Squad, double click on 1 and drag it in game.)

And then you'll get skills on your skill window. You can drag them into skill bar.

List of available pets to use into Celestial Spire

You can drop these pets from the ImageInfinity Pet Box 'Super Bushi'

  • ImageSpecial Ops Bushi [Skill: Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 20% / Dodge is increased by 200 / Movement Speed is increased by 2.]
  • ImageSamurai Bushtail [Skill: Meele damage is increased by 35%.]
  • ImageIndian Bushi [Skill: Ranged damage is increased by 35%.]
  • ImageExterminator Bushi [Skill: Magic damage is increased by 35%.]
  • ImageShogun Bushi [Skill: Every 2 seconds: 3% HP is recovered. / Every 2 seconds: 3% MP is recovered.]

You can also use available pets which we already have in game :

  • ImageShadow Bunny [Skill: No HP/MP consumption.]
  • ImageEnkidu [Skill: Cleanse all debuff up to level 4.]
  • ImageBaby Dander [Skill: Every 2 seconds heal by 4% of missing HP]
  • ImageAlzanor [Skill: All attacks increased by 10%.]
  • ImageValehir [Skill: All defence is increased by 10%.]

Checkpoint Mechanism

In case players fail to clear a floor, they have an option to start either from floor 1 or from their latest checkpoint. Checkpoints are saved differently based on the floor range :

  • Floors 1-50: Saved individually.
  • Floors 51-150: Saved every 10 floors.
  • Floors 151 and beyond: Saved every 3 floors.

You will restart from latest checkpoint if you leave your current floor without checkpoint.


You won't lose your highest floor checkpoint if you restart the game from floor 1.


$Stage command is special for Infinity Tower, allowing you to travel through floors.

By using this command you can go to a predeterminate floor and grind your way up. This won’t reset your actual maximum floors, meaning that by using the Restart From Checkpoint option will get you back to your maximum reached floor.

You will be able to unlock more stage as you progress.

  • $Stage 1 : Floor 31
  • $Stage 2 : Floor 61
  • $Stage 3 : Floor 101
  • $Stage 4 : Floor 151
  • $Stage 5 : Floor 201
  • $Stage 6 : Floor 251

Floor Rewards

Basic Rewards

  • You will get Etherial Essence for completing each floor.
  • You will also get Cosmic Cache: The Treasure Of Eternity from each boss floor.
  • You will also have more chance to get Cosmic Cache: The Treasure Of Eternity every 10 floors.
    For example :
    0-10 Floors : 0% chance to receive box.
    11-20 Floors : 1% chance to receive box.
    21-30 Floors : 2% chance to receive box.


  • 10.000 Reputation at floor completion reward from floor 1 to 50.
  • 25.000 Reputation at floor completion reward from floor 51 to 100.
  • 30.000 Reputation at floor completion reward from 101 to 200.
  • 40.000 Reputation at floor completion reward from floor 201+.


  • 10.000.000 Gold at floor completion reward from floor 1 to 99.
  • Floor 100 will give a unique reward of 3b at completion. (One time reward, only in Solo Mode.)
  • 20.000.000 Gold at floor completion reward from floor 101 to 199.
  • Floor 200 will give unique reward of 6b at completion. (One time reward, only in Solo Mode.)
  • 50.000.000 Gold at floor completion reward from floor 201+.

Family XP

  • 50 FXP at floor completion reward from floor 1 to 100.
  • 120 FXP at floor completion reward from floor 101 to 200.
  • 350 FXP at floor completion reward from floor 201+

Unique Rewards

  • From floor 180, every 10 floors (boss floors) you will get a material called: ImageBroken Relic Pieces. It's used to craft new amulets. You will be able to farm this reward in ANY modality
  • From floor 160+, there is a 50% chance per floor to get a ImageLogbook. With 20 of these Logbook you can craft one of the books of your choice. You will be able to farm this reward in ANY modality
  • Starting from floor 200, there will be a new reward for each 5 floor completion: ImageHigher Shell Box.
    What is this box?
    It'll have a rarity 7 shell with a random level between 106 to 110. This will give players the chance to get better and newer shells. You will be able to farm this reward in ANY modality
  • At floors 300, 325, 350, 375, 805, 830, 855 and 880 completions, you wil get a unique reward called ImageFairy Gem. This item will be used to craft a fairy of each choice. This reward can be obtained only in solo mode, one time reward.
  • At floor 400 completion, you wil get a unique reward called ImageTower Evolve Orb. This item will be used to evolve your Infinity Tower Equipments into C80. This reward can be obtained only in solo mode, one time reward.
  • At floors 800, 825, 850 and 875 completions, you will get a unique reward called ImageInfinity Breath. This item will be used to craft Image[PvE]Evolve Fairy and Image[Raid]Evolve Fairy items. This reward can be obtained only in solo mode, one time reward.

Craft NPC

Infinity Rewards 1 Npc

Infinity Rewards 2 Npc

Infinity Guard Npc

You can additionally exchange following stuff from Infinity Guard Npc

Material NameAmountCraft/Exchange Name
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Celestial Steel Ingot 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Starlight Alloy 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Eternal Steel Plate 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Ethereal Wood 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Shadow Essence 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 ImageEvasive Silk 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Stardust Crystal 45x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Astralium Barrel 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Starcloth 45x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Astral Essence 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Celestial Medallion 1x
Image Cosmic Cache: The Treasury of Eternity 3 Image Astral Silk 1x

Evolve Fairies

You can now evolve your Sellaim, Woondine, Eperial and Turik Fairies.

  • Using Image[PvE]Evolve Fairy will give you additional effects:

    • Damage in PvE is increased by 25%.
    • Double Drop in Infinity Tower by 7%.
    • Double drop from monsters by 5%.
  • Using Image[Raid]Evolve Fairy will give you additional effects:

    • Raid Damage is increased by 30%.
    • Your specialist's elemental skill points are increased by 1.

You can't use both evolves at the same time and you cannot switch your evolves, be careful!

Tower Evolve Orb

You can now evolve your Infinity Tower Equipments.

  • Using ImageTower Evolve Orb will give you additional effects:
    • Better orange stats.
    • Better base damage.
    • Better values when betting shell.